17 April 2020

Help wanted!

We’ve been doing our very best not to mention the elephant in the room that is Covid 19.

It’s not that we’re in denial or anything like that. Regular blog readers will know we acted quickly to ensure we could continue to serve you whilst the Government rightly imposed restrictions. That’s why we’re all now safely working from home – and available by ‘phone pretty much as usual.

So yes, we are painfully aware of what’s going on with regards to the pandemic. We just reckon that you’re hearing enough about it from everywhere else.  So we’ll just continue to talk about bikes.

Now, though. we want to bring the two together, having last week when received some very heartwarming news indeed.

Taking care of those who care

There are two significant problems, or challenges, that are being encountered in the healthcare field at the moment.

One is the lack of PPE – Personal Protective Equipment – for all our wonderful medical and care professionals. The  other significant one is the supply issues that are caused by some people having to cocoon themselves.

For a number of years the Photo Rally has run here in Ireland all through the summer months. Over that time it’s been enjoyed by a huge amount of motorcyclists.

This year, a few days into the lockdown, one of the participants had the excellent idea of organising the two-wheeled troops to collect and deliver donated PPE to where it needed to be.

This loose collection of people gathered together on social media under the banner Bravo Charlie Tango 1 (they’re on Twitter here). These included  Dead Ducks MCC of RevUp fame.

All of the riders who gave their time so generously have been kept busy since and they’ve even found fame in no less an esteemed publication as the Irish Times. Martin Leonard and Don Moore have gone one better by finding themselves pictured doing the delivering business at the top of our blog!

In recent weeks the volunteer riders have been delivering monitors, gloves, masks, gowns, googles and more to hospitals and retirement homes all over the country.

Keep up the good work girls and boys. Once again, you’re making us proud.

This is an unprecedented time that we find ourselves living in. But the great thing is that the Irish biking community is, as always, stepping  up to the plate. So if you’re currently clock-watching at home, what better way to while away a few minutes than taking a look online to see who and how you can help at this somewhat trying time…?

To donate PPE and equipment for distribution by Charlie Tango 1 volunteers, click here

Kit sought includes gloves, face masks, face shields bio-hazard suits, PMRs (walkie talkies) and baby monitors. The group is also looking for donations of raw materials such as 3D printing filaments and plastic sheeting. Access to vacuum formers and laser cutters is also sought.


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